Ok, if you are not a reader of blogger MadPriest or have no reason to become one, drive on, there's nothing to see here.
I will not go into the details but you can figure it out by his posts if you visit there. The short version is that Jonathan (we affectionately call him Maddie) is an iconoclast. He also happens to be an Anglican priest. He also happens to (by his own admission) have some dark forays into his own mental health, which he self-refers to as his "madness." But the short version is he dropped the N-bomb on his blog, and this appears to gotten him in some trouble with his bishop. My understanding is he and his bishop have had a tenuous relationship, at best.
Now, we all drop some words on his blog, Of Course I Could be Wrong, that will never pass the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. (Hell, my own blog gets a "medium" on the Cuss-O-Meter.) Don't get me wrong. I don't approve of the N-bomb. NOT AT ALL. But this is also a satirical blog.
The problem with any of us that dabble in satire is that there is a fine line between satire and offensive. All iconoclastic satirical people eventually step in dog shit somewhere down the line, and there are always times in our life we have to eat crow over it. Probably our Maddie will have to dish up a plate of crow, and that just goes with the territory. I hope and pray this works out to be more of a "non-issue" than it has become. Truthfully, we've probably all been offended by Maddie at one time or another, but it certainly hasn't stopped us from working through it.
I am more worried about Maddie's relationship with his bishop than I am worried about the sanctity of the blogosphere. Unfortunately, the gossipy old hens at Stand Firm have created quite a stink over Maddie and his "evil" ways, which if it wasn't so pathetic, I would find it amusing. All I have to say about that is this:
Maddie, you are loved. Don't ever forget that.
Bravo bravo bravo!
We all love our Maddie, warts, words and all.
Have I been offended by him? Often?
Do I find him to be a thought-provoking, honest Christian. Absolutely!
What I have to say about those swamp-dwelling hypocrites at Stand Limp cannot be typed on your blog. The N-bomb would be pale, indeed, next to what I wish I could say about people who do what they do and claim they do it in the name of Christ.
If Maddie hasn't offended us, it means he doesn't love us! Oh, I have plenty of four letter words for the Limp Willie crowd, but just as getting pissed empowers bible-beating fundies on your doorstep and adds to their smug sureness of their sanctity and my evil, I refuse to give them the satisfaction! I only use my plethora of four letter words when someone is worth cussin' over!
Amen to this statement of support.
Just perfect.
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