
Random and not so random musings from a 5th generation NE Missourian who became a 1st generation Episcopalian. Let the good times roll!


(Thanks to for the clip)

Ok, I will admit it. I can still be incredibly puerile when it comes to what strikes me as funny. This is what came to mind last night as a handful of friends, all who attend Trinity, got together for an impromptu "Sauerkraut fest."

It all started when we were sitting at one of our church potlucks. One of the dishes had sauerkraut in it--some kind of casserole. It became pretty obvious who the "sauerkrautophiles" and the "sauerkrautophobes" in the church were. So the sauerkrautophiles (of which I am one) started talking about getting together and having pork and sauerkraut at one of their houses...and I made my special "Caribbean sauerkraut" (I made this recipe up myself--kraut, beef broth, Italian sausage, jerk seaonsing, a little garlic, and raisins--weird but wonderful--sweet and hot and sour all at once). We had apple pie and ice cream for dessert (can't have German food without apple something, you know).

Well, then we got to laughing about, since we are a small congregation, with five of us all being at this sauerkraut fest, that services today could take on a sitcom-like quality! Then I got to remembering I was scheduled to be acolyte today, which could add another piece to the sitcom-like quality. The hostess started laughing and said, "OMG! I'm on chalice tomorrow!" Then we all got to laughing that it could be a very interesting Eucharist.

I also realized the hostess could get away with a lot in this sitcom scene. She is a very classy person (in fact, our vicar frequently refers to her as "elegant".) I, however, am pretty sure he sees ME as a little on the "uninhibited" side, a "wild card." Well, definitely not "elegant." So we could both be up there feeling the effects of our sauerkraut dinner, and I am absolutely sure he would consider me the culprit and not her! My God, it is like Junior High all over again! That's how other kids could get me in trouble. I was enough of a prankster that I was always implicated in any prank, and it never helped that I would laugh so hard over the pranks of others even when I had nothing to do with it.

Of course, in reality, the day will probably go without incident, but it's just the thought of the potential of it all that is hilarious! Is this what God intended when he wanted us to be a church community????? (Of course, the wild card in me says, "Uh, YEAH! I think so!")




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Kirksville, Missouri, United States
I'm a longtime area resident of that quirky and wonderful place called Kirksville, MO and am wondering what God has hiding round the next corner in my life.

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