As promised, here's my list:
1. I'm thankful that I have been relatively spared a lot of what others have had to deal with in this economic meltdown. (also see #2).
2. I'm thankful that I don't have "Champagne taste on a beer budget" (although in my case, it is more like "Champagne taste on a bourbon budget.") It has been the major contributor to why #1 is so.
3. I'm thankful I have "too many invites" on Thanksgiving Day. It's way better than no invites.
4. I'm thankful I have a mostly supportive work environment and a very supportive church environment.
5. I'm thankful for about 6 or 7 people in particular in my "real time" life that love me "as is" and a larger number who at least put up with my quirks.
6. I'm thankful for a group of blogfriends who are interesting and amazing people.
7. I'm thankful I actively pursue an adult spiritual path that does not force me to be "happy happy joy joy" all the time...that I can be morose, grumpy, and in pain, as well as joyful, discerning, and awed!
I like your list. Amen to #7.
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