
Random and not so random musings from a 5th generation NE Missourian who became a 1st generation Episcopalian. Let the good times roll!


I went over to church today to bring food in support of the people in our congregation who are knitting scarves for one of the projects of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri, namely to provide scarves for the clients of the Free Hot Lunch Program of Trinity Church--St. Louis. Their goal is to have a good supply of scarves on hand to present to their clients the Sunday before Christmas, so they have been asking the "knitters and crocheters" in the diocese to do their part.

I can't do a lick of domestic crafts, but I can ask those who do to make up for my lack of skill. There are going to be a lot more folks in economically uncertain places this winter. Although Missouri winter is not as consistently cold as the more northern states, believe me, it can have its arctic moments! Something as simple as a warm scarf can make life more bearable for folks. I wish I had the skill to help on this project, but since I don't, I'll just share that it is there, and any of y'all who want to help with this, can do so!


Good cause. Alas, I also do not knit or crochet, as I do not like the way yarn feels on my fingers. Sets my teeth on edge!

I certainly commend this to those who do knit or crochet!

I would have been happy to help except that I'm doing the same thing for our homeless shelter. I hope you get some people to take up the challenge.

I will ask around for this GREAT cause. After having tried multiple times over the many years of my life, I do not possess this skill either.



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Kirksville, Missouri, United States
I'm a longtime area resident of that quirky and wonderful place called Kirksville, MO and am wondering what God has hiding round the next corner in my life.

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