
Random and not so random musings from a 5th generation NE Missourian who became a 1st generation Episcopalian. Let the good times roll!


Ruth just did a fun (and easy) meme on her blog today, and I decided to play.

* Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence along with these instructions on your blog (or facebook wall).
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

Here's mine:

"Well, are you a deva or an angel?"

The book is "A Path with Heart; a guide through the perils and pitfalls of spiritual life" by Jack Kornfeld. It's actually a book about Buddhist meditation, recommended to me by my vicar, of all people. He told me to read it and think about it in terms of the parallels with my own Christian prayer life. I really hate it when he recommends books that I initially think are stupid and it turns out he was right, BTW. (I think my flip initial comment was, "Oh, Jesus, Wallace, I'm not planning to levitate or anything.")

In answer to this question in Jack's book, I'd say, "Ummmmm. Neither. But I hang with them sometimes...."

Anyone who wants to play is tagged.


You did end up with an interesting sentence. At least, it got me to look up Deva.

Thanks for playing.



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Kirksville, Missouri, United States
I'm a longtime area resident of that quirky and wonderful place called Kirksville, MO and am wondering what God has hiding round the next corner in my life.

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