Hola, Señorita Chompita Wiggletail of Padre Mickey's fame! I haz a new haircut because I was getting too woolly. I will grow some more hairs before winter gets here. Kirk said I was looking more like a sheep than a dog....oh, and there is that little problem with the dingleberries but I will not go into that b/c you are a lady! Do you getz haircuts in Panama? I get to go to the dog barber. What is funny is the dog barber is now in a building where peoples used to get their hairs cut but the people hair cutters moved away and dog barbers moved in. Sometimes peoples come in, thinking they can get their hairs cut but they are suprised the dogs are getting their hairs cut! But when I gets my hairs cut, Kirk makes sure I still have nice manly whiskers and bushy eyebrows. Dat's cuz everyone tells me there was a Scottie in the woodpile somewhere, but I don't unnerstand that. I have only seen possums and stinky skunks in our woodpile.
Have you ever met any stinky skunks? I haf. It was really bad. I barked at the stinky skunk one time and it stinked on me. Kirk made me stay outside for a buncha days and I had to take bafs in yukky tomato juice and lemon juice and vinegar and all kinds of weird stuff. I hope you have never been stinked by a skunk, you are too bonita to haf da skunk stink on you.
Here I am trying out my soulful look for you. I haz a soulful look for you, Señorita Chompita Wiggletail, cuz I have not heard from you for a while. I know Padre was away and could not blog for you, and the lovely Mona had her busies just keeping your blog going. How have you been? Muy bien?Oh, dere is dat silly Boomie again. Boomer iz showing off his purple spots on his tongue. Hez trying to show you he is part Chow. I told him being Chow is not good because someone might mistake him for a dinner. He wants you to think da dog barber lowered his ears, but he is really just putting his ears down.
We are going to da animal blessing next Saturday. Kirk's church did not haf da animal blessing on da usual week because of a "scheduling pwoblem", whatever dat is. I'm just a little black dog, I don' no nuffin 'bout no schedules. Kirk is always afraid I am going to be embawassing because when people put their faces up in my face I like to lick them, but I was good last year.
My sweet Señorita Chompita Wiggletail, would you like me to get Kirk to bwing your picture to the animal blessing and have Fr. Wallace bless you too? I can do this for you if you like. I bet you get blessed all the time since you have Padre at your house, but maybe you would like someone else bless you for a change. Jus let me know.
Your boyfren,
Little Eddie
When you make your way to Panama to have the ¨vows¨ be sure to stop in Guatemala and visit us...Juan Carlos would be honored to do his magical Maya Doggercut...he´s a expert and we can have a shaman brought in to do a little purifying too!
When can Gracie join in on the fun?
That sure is one cute little doggie you got there Kirk!!!
And who does not love Chompita???
Well, you know, I am thinking Gracie and Boomer have very compatible smiles!
Little Eddie, Smokey would be jealous of how handsome you are except that he has his own girlfriend here. So he says to tell you, "Dude, you're a total studmuffin."
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